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I love to empower Queer and LGBTQ+ voices by creating engaging websites that connect with your community and your stakeholders.

Carsten Lund Thomsen TwelveTrains v3

Hi, my name is Carsten Lund Thomsen

I am an experienced Danish queer graphic designer, interactive web specialist and WordPress developer based in Amsterdam. With over 20 years of experience with web design and WordPress development, I have helped numerous organisations in realising their online ambitions.

The last few years I have focused on empowering national and international LGBTQ+ organisations and companies by lifting them to new levels of professionalism. As a result they stand stronger and are taken more seriously by their partners and when applying for funding. At the same time they can support local communities much better with a recognisable and easy to navigate website where documentation and support is easily found.

Activism might not be my calling, but supporting activists like you is

As an activist in your heart and in your soul, you burn to make the world a better place for your community. I realised that I can use my experience and skills as a queer graphic designer, UX designer and WordPress developer to support your activism and that way indirectly help our community.

I burn to help you and your organisation so that you can give your best work and help make the change still needed for our beautiful and diverse community.

What’s in a name?

As a US exchange student, my name was sometimes difficult for people to understand and pronounce. So I created a mnemonic: “Ten cars, but backwards.” People would usually reply with “Oh, now I get it: Cars-ten!”.

When I became an independent graphic designer more than 24 years ago, I sought a unique business name as I did not want to use my own name. So I thought of TenCars. But TenCars isn’t really that handsome as a word. And because I want to give my best, I thought I would simply add a number to the name. Thus, ElevenCars was born, a nod to my personal story and my commitment to excellence.

As my career evolved into web development, UX design, and hosting services, I adopted the trade name TwelveTrains, embodying progress and speed.

Mindful of superstitions around the number thirteen, I skipped ThirteenPlanes. No need to challenge fate unnecessary.

Recently I have moved my hosting services and placed them under my trade name FourteenRockets. This next transport mode of my name is yet faster and symbolises security and speed.

Looking ahead, my next chapter may be FifteenSpaceships, which signifies technological advancement and soaring aspirations. Because, why not?

Each of the brand names tells a story of transformation, of dreams and of a commitment to excellence. This journey, from ElevenCars to beyond, reflects my personal growth, continuous progress, and dedication to my customers. This story part of who I am and the values that are important to me.

Connect with me on LinkedIn

Further reading

Read about our visual representation philosophy

Robust and safe hosting services

For over fifteen years, I have also been offering my clients WordPress hosting services that’s both professional and personal. I’ve now made the conscious decision to tailor this service specifically to LGBTQ+ organisations and companies, providing a secure, welcoming, and safe space for their websites.

Hosting services tailored for the LGBTQ+ community

Visit my sibling website FourteenRockets offering safe and inclusive premium hosting services: